Tech Spec

Review feature info and customization details.

Technical Info and Documentation#

This project is based on the Jumpstart CSS/11ty project by Stephanie Eckles.

Please show her some love and find more info about her at: Twitter, Github, CodePen, and DEV.

Jump to:#

Global Site Data and .env#

As noted in the Quick Start, there are global site data variables in src/_data/meta.json.

Those include:


See .env-sample for the single expected value of URL which should be set to your localhost. The sample uses the default 11ty port, so you can simply rename the file to .env if you haven't changed the port.

The URL value is then available via the global data described previously, and can be used in templates with meta.url. You can see this used for the RSS feed and sitemap as well as meta tag links to the social share preview images to create the absolute URLs.

Template Languages Used#

Page templates are created as Nunjucks (.njk), and feature are added that expect Markdown for most page content.

The home page - _includes/home.njk - is set to process first as Markdown followed by Nunjucks. This allows mixing HTML with Markdown, with benefits being code syntax highlighting and ability to include classes on HTML elements. This functionality is provided by the templateEngineOverride: md, njk in the frontmatter.

A unique case uses Nunjucks to create the json that is used to generate the social share preview images.

Review the list of available templating languages in the 11ty docs.

Layout Hierarchy and Features#

There are two layouts + a base for those, and one partial included.

The base.njk layout receives both the home.njk layout and the page.njk layout.

base.njk includes the standard HTML boilerplate including meta and "og" tags in <head>.

page.njk includes the sitenav.njk partial.

home.njk includes a loop that will create "cards" for everything in collections.pages.

Expected Frontmatter#

There are only two fields expected:

The default setup expects content - using any template language - within pages/.

The pages.json in that directory includes a permalink setting so that the file name is used directly to prevent 'pages' being the base of the URL.

You can override permalinks per file.

Asset Handling#

In the .eleventy.js config, there are included "pass-throughs" for an img/ directory as well as favicon.png.

You can replace the included favicon, and create an img directory or remove the addPassthroughCopy if you do not have need of images.

Creating an img directory and keeping the pass-through directive will make images available at /img/[image-file-path] relative to the site root.


For Sass, stylelint is included. If you want to keep it, you may want to do a find/replace for tdbc to the prefix of your choice. If not, you'll want to remove the related files at the project root as well as the related items in the package.json.

A prettier config is included, with the only update being printWidth: 100.

Sass Framework#

Review the styling documentation for the included minimal Sass framework, particularly the theme variables, to quickly customize the starter.

The only notable differences are:

  1. sitenav - adjust the styles for the navigation header that appears on pages
  2. tdbc-anchor - styles for the # anchor that appears next to page headings (or turn that feature off) can be adjusted in sass/_utilities
  3. Additional article-scoped styling for typography as it appears on pages
  4. A theme for the prism syntax highlighting for code blocks. You can adjust or replace the theme in sass/_prism.


The default font is Baloo 2 and is locally hosted with files in fonts/. If you swap to a different font, be sure to remove the font files as well as the @font-face rules at the top of sass/style.scss, and update the $tdbc-font-family Sass variable.

Anchor links next to headings throughout Markdown content are generated by an add-on plugin for markdownIt.

This feature can be adjusted or removed in the .eleventy.js config file.

Generated Features#


A sitemap.xml is generated from all available content.

To exclude non-page or non-public content from the sitemap, include eleventyExcludeFromCollections: true in frontmatter, or create a custom filter.

RSS Feed#

An RSS feed is included, and output at [siteurl]/feed/feed.xml.

If publishing from Netlify, the included netlify.toml file will create a redirect so that the feed becomes available at [siteurl]/feed.

Social Share Preview Images#

Upon use of the build command, social share preview images are generated for each page + the home page, and available in public/previews/[title-as-slug].png.

Here's an example of the default template:

default social share preview image template

For technical details on how this is generated, review my article on DEV.

Any changes made can be previewed by running the build command and reviewing the contents of public/previews/.

Update template HTML

HTML can be changed in _generate/social-previews.njk

Update template style

An isolated, slimmed down stylesheet is created for the template: sass/social-previews.scss

Change included pages OR available data

Adjust the collections loop in _generate/pagesjson.liquid

Prism Syntax Highlighting#

Syntax highlighting of inline or code blocks found within Markdown content is provided by Prism via @11ty/eleventy-plugin-syntaxhighlight.

You can change the theme used in sass/_prism.scss.

Or, remove the plugin if you are not in need of code highlighting.

.eleventy.js Config Features#


Input directory: src

Output directory: public

Also, markdownLibrary is extended to add the markdownItAnchor plugin for anchor links.

Shortcode: year#

Returns the current YYYY year, used by the footer copyright.

Filter: slug#

Extends the default slug function to also:

Filter: jsonTitle#

Used in _generate/pagesjson.liquid to ensure titles are escaped, and also applies non-breaking spaces to the last three words to prevent orphans in preview images.

VSCode Tips#


If you haven't previously worked with Nunjucks, you will want a syntax highlighting extension: Nunjucks

In addition, you may want to ensure Emmet works on .njk files by updating/adding the following in the settings.json:

"emmet.includeLanguages": {
"nunjucks": "html",


As noted previously, a prettier config is included, and you may want to get the Prettier extension and update your VSCode settings to "Format on Save".

However, to format template files Prettier doesn't recognize like .njk, you can update the "Language Mode" on the currently open file from "Nunjucks" (or other current templating language) to "HTML" to allow formatting to be applied. Then, flip it back to re-allow the syntax highlighting if needed.

This is located in the VSCode bottom toolbar near the right-hand side and will display the value of the current file's detected language. Click the name to open the selector.